Meet our Underwriters: People's Food Co-op



People's Food Co-op
People's Food Co-op
People's Food Co-op
Published date: 
Wednesday, July 6, 2016 - 11:15am
A member owned food cooperative cultivating strong relationships with the food we eat, the people who produce it, and the friends and family we share it with.


It would be hard to imagine a more like-minded organization than this month’s underwriter, People’s Food Co-op.  A member owned food cooperative, People’s is committed to providing access to sustainable food that people can trust, and I was able to learn about People’s from Jenna Chen, their Marketing & Design Manager.  It’s a pleasure to feature them in this month’s “Meet our Underwriters.” 

JM: How long has People's been in business?

JC: People's was started by a few Reed College students as a small food buying club in the late 1960's.  They wanted access to good, organic food they could trust and didn't want to buy from big box stores - so they started a buying club.  The club quickly grew and People's Food Co-op was founded in 1970.  

JM: How has the sustainable food movement changed in those years?

JC: The natural foods industry has gone from a small community of growers and shoppers to a world-wide lifestyle trend.  Food co-ops were the pioneers of this movement.  Our commitment to sourcing organic and sustainable products and supporting local farms is now also being done by large corporations and conventional retailers.  In Portland especially, as a food-focused city, competition is high, and co-ops are struggling to stand out.  But we're here! And we remain committed to serving our community and providing the best food possible, and unlike other grocery stores we are owned directly by our community.  By democratizing the ownership of our business, the money you spend here, stays here.  

JM: You are more than a food co-op, right?  You offer classes or educational programs?

JC: Yes!  People's is more than just a grocery store.  We are a community hub that hosts a weekly year 'round Farmers' Market every Wednesday from 2-7pm that includes a $10 match for those using EBT.  We also have a large community room where we have cooking, wellness, and community gatherings, including free yoga for our Member-Owners.  You can see a full schedule of events online (  Our community room is also available to rent.  

JM: Have larger stores and/or "greenwashing" made a difference in how you operate People's?

JC: Larger grocery stores have definitely made it harder to operate as a viable business because now more than ever people are shopping at multiple grocery stores to fill their cupboards.  While People's used to be one of the only stores to carry natural and organic, this is not the case anymore.  We do regular price comparisons to keep our prices competitive and we are always working on new and exciting ways to bring more people in and keep them coming back.  Despite these difficulties, we have not sacrificed our buying guidelines and we remain committed to sourcing products and produce that are the most responsibly and sustainably produced.   

JM: How does co-op membership make People's different?  

JC: As a consumer owned co-op, People's is owned directly by the people that shop at our store.  Our ownership is spread out into the hands of 10,000 Member-Owners instead of just a few privileged executives.  We prioritize serving our community over maximizing profit.  At People's it's not just one person calling the shots; our Board of Directors is democratically elected by Member-Owners and the Board holds our team of Collective Managers accountable for running the store.  By investing in the co-op and becoming a Member-Owner, you are supporting our small, local, values-driven business and helping us keep doing the work we do!   

JM: What else should folks know about People's?

JC: Everyone is welcome!  You don't have to be a Member-Owner to shop at our store.  We're open from 8am-10pm daily.  Check out our website for more info -  If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 503-ORGANIC.


People’s Food Co-op

3029 SE 21st Ave

Portland, OR  97202



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