Live Performance


Teeath Live on Youth Randomonium

Airs at: Thu, 06/26/2008 at 12:00am
Produced for Youth Randomonium
Portland band Teeath, featuring Maya and  Flan on Guitar and Vocals, and guitar, Katherine on Drums and Vocals, played the June 27th Youth Randomonium. This is their full live set.  Read more

Too Much Coffee Man: the Opera

Airs at: Mon, 04/07/2008 at 12:00am
Produced for Stage and Studio
S.W. Conser goes behind the scenes at the locally-produced opera Too Much Coffee Man: the Refill, and chats with Stacey Murdock, the baritone in the title role, and Shannon Wheeler, the creator of this unlikely pairing of the worlds of musical theater and alternative comic ... Read more

The Confessional

  Every Sunday from 12:00am to 2:00am.  Talk Radio with La Contessa de la Luna. Guilt Shame Fear Forgiveness Minor Felonies Each of us has secrets, guilt, and shame we carry with us. These little (and sometimes big) secrets weigh us down, hold us back from reaching our o... Read more

Life During Wartime

Produced for Life During Wartime
  --->   WEDNESDAY (BI - WEEKLY) 10PM-12AM Established in 1995, Life During Wartime keeps all the best of current and classic Punk records in rotation. The show also provides space for on air live performances by punk bands from around the globe. MAIL YOUR RECORDS TO PLA... Read more

The Movement

  --->   Every Sunday from 10:00pm to 12:00am.   The finest in the latest and greatest, as well as classic HipHop/Soul/Funk/Electronic/Jazz/Fusion   Read more