First half hour: On this show, we are aimed at interrupting the constant conflict between guilt and forgiveness, perfectionism and self-acceptance. Sometimes this conflict can feel like a Marvel comic with good versus evil and you aren't sure which side you're actually on. Have you ever questioned who's carrying this bottomless guilt or who's striving for these unreachable heights? You are. Great, now we're face to face with our nemesis. The only thing left is the battle to see who comes out on top. That does seem like the obvious blockbuster outcome but what about taking another route: letting go? Seeking forgiveness and self-acceptance. Breaking the conflict and choosing peace. Well, that may not make it to the box office but a meaningful self-help guide is worth far more.
Second half hour: On this show, we are waking up and taking notice that we're in charge of hope. No longer will we resign to hopelessness or a feeling of powerlessness. No longer will we get swept away with all that is wrong, forgetting that we play a part in our own happiness and hope - a BIG part. We can choose to see the light or be consumed with darkness. We can buy into what we see or spend our time visualizing what we want to see. When you meditate, calm yourself, and take a breather, what do you think about? Do you replay all that you've heard, spinning in a loop of fear, or do you think of solutions? What drives you to problem-solving?