On this edition of Free Culture Radio: Getting On Track.
In 2019, the UN’s Commission on Narcotic Drugs issued a Ministerial Declaration on drugs, which laid down the main objectives of the international community in addressing the world drug situation for a 10-year period. The CND plans a mid-term review of that Declaration in 2024, and a new report by the International Drug Policy Consortium shows there has been little, incomplete, or no progress in achieving the goals set out in that Declaration. The IDPC’s new report is entitled “Off Track: Shadow Report for the Mid-Term Review of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration on Drugs.” There was a launch event on December Fifth. On this edition of Free Culture Radio we’re going to hear from some of the speakers, including: Marie Nougier with the International Drug Policy Consortium, lead author of the report; Ruby Lawlor, Executive Director of Youth Rise; and Her Excellency Ambassador Laura Gil, permanent representative of Colombia to the United Nations in Vienna.