Talking Earth: Judith Montgomery, Charity Yoro and Dion O'Reilly


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Air date: 
Mon, 04/15/2024 - 10:00pm to 11:00pm

This episode of KBOO's The Talking Earth, hosted by dan raphael, features poets Judith Montgomery, Charity Yoro and Dion O'Reilly. dan will also read poems by Jesse Bernstein and Howard McCord. 

Judith H. Montgomery’s poems appear in the Gyroscope, Poet Lore, and Epiphany, among other journals. She’s been awarded several residencies and fellowships. Her chapbook Passion received the Oregon Book Award for Poetry. She has also published Litany for Wound and Bloom and Mercy, Her new chapbook, The Ferry Keeper, won the 2024 Grayson Books Chapbook Competition, and will appear later this year.

Charity E. Yoro is a steward of words and other beings. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, The Rumpus,,, and elsewhere, and has been supported by Tin House, Regional Arts & Culture Council, and Sustainable Arts Foundation. She’s reading here from ten-cent flower & other territories, her full-length poetry collection, published with First Matter Press last fall.

Dion O'Reilly's debut collection, Ghost Dogs, was runner-up for The Catamaran Prize and honorable mention for several awards, including The Eric Hoffer Award. Her second book Sadness of the Apex Predator will be published by University of Wisconsin's Cornerstone Press in February 2024. She facilitates workshops, hosts a podcast at The Hive Poetry Collective, and is a reader for Catamaran Literary Quarterly. 


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