Susan Plunket is an author, psychologist and Jungian expert. She received her doctorate at The New School for Social Research in 1989 and for many years has had a private practice in New York City. Susan served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jung Foundation. Currently, she is on the Advisory Board of Quadrant, the Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology. Susan’s newest book is A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences.
Host Donald Altman
Donald Altman, M.A., LPC, is a psychotherapist, international mindfulness expert and award-winning author of over 20 books translated worldwide. Donald's books include the award-winning psychological/spiritual adventure novel, Travelers. His best-selling The Mindfulness Toolbox won two national Ben Franklin IPBA awards as best book in both the Psychology and Mind-Body-Spirit categories. His Simply Mindful Book Series features a new book about mindful eating called, Simply Mindful Meal By Meal. All his books contain easy to use tools that support balance and well-being.
Featured as an expert in The Mindfulness Movie and profiled in the Living Spiritual Teachers Project, he currently writes Psychology Today’s Practical Mindfulness Blog. Donald has taught mindfulness to over 15,000 health care and business professionals.
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