Desolo Luna Vox Theatrum on 08/27/12



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Air date: 
Mon, 08/27/2012 - 8:00pm to Tue, 08/28/2012 - 12:00am
Our annual Dada and Surrealist Festival and Circus, DeSolo Vox Luna Theatrum

This evening gentle listeners, for your enjoyment and bewilderment Grace, Lyn and Rolf present to you our annual Dada and Surrealist Circus, the DeSolo Vox Luna Theatrum .... we'll bring you the Dead Surrealist Hour, featuring Peter Bergman, Richard Francis and Leonora Carrington ... a live interview and recorded music from Serious Fun ....interpretive transgressions of the work of Hugo Ball, Raymond Radiguay and Leonora Carrington ... a poetry slam by KBOO's own Jeff Kipilman ... and some kind of surprise from our resident professor of surreal Tracey Cockrell ... all this and more

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