Pine Ridge Poverty & Despair Online Petition


Pine Ridge Poverty & Despair Online Petition

 Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Poverty & Despair

  • Target: President of the United States,Congress & elected Officials
  • Sponsored by: Roy C. Robertson

We the nations citizens detest and find deplorable the utter despair and inhuman living conditions within the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and further, even more so this nation and our elected officials allow it to persist while sending our tax dollars to foriegn countries under the banner of democracy...we demand this practice end and immediate attention and relief is directed towards this nations first inhabitants without further procrastination or red tape and that an overview of previous treaties be conducted and our nations honor and word be restored by abbiding by them...also to review and adhere to the United Nations declaration of support on human rights regarding the indigenious of this continent....shame on us that allow the women ,children and elders to endure another harsh winter without heat, drinking water and basic human needs...this is deplorable and a tarnish to this nation and commands immediate attention.
