Radiozine on 12/16/21



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Air date: 
Thu, 12/16/2021 - 9:30am to 10:00am
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From 9:00 AM thru 10:00 AM in today's slot the 9AM and then Per Fagereng's Fight the Empire the scheduled Thursday morning program at 9:30 was subbed with no announcement. Excellent program subbed from Virginia Commonwealth University called WITH GOOD REASON. First half hour from 9:00-9:30 featured Meredith Katz at VCU discussing very engagingly the history of boycotts in the U.S. dating back to colonial Boston Tea Party (which didn't use the label "Boycott" but was spontaneous uprising with same intent of Consumer Civil Resistance to British corporate monopoly & taxation on tea).

I am entering this during the 2nd half of program 9:30-10:00 AM do not yet know if audio archive will carry the actual program here on KBOO site. Gotta rush for work, but this is another example of during Pandemic Station building closure while fundraising is ramped up during disaster for KBOO Foundation to raise money in line with Naomi Klein's Disaster Capitalism (for a station whose business model is based on free VOLUNTEER LABOR), nobody working as Web Mistress or Web Master or Web They is there to use this web-site to provide basic info of use to Activist Community, and Voices of the Voiceless in this community radio station's charter statement of purpose.

This is all I can find in quick online search of first half-hour guest Meredith Katz who teaches at Virginia Commonwealth on the U.S. history of Boycotts including the pre-Civil War Slavery Abolitionist and Quaker boycott on all products made of Slave Labor.

Up through modern disorganized boycotts v. Amazon. No discussion of states including Virginia passing laws being challenged in Supreme Court barring states from participating in citizen boycotts in solidarity with Palestinians as part of Israeli Protest movement Boycott\Divestments\Sanctions which KBOO did good job of airing discussion on with Nora Barrows-Friedman yesterday as another Pandemic Sub Program with no web-site info or links to her indie community radio production THE ELECTRONIC INTIFADA.

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers
Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)
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