Since the age of 8, having discovered hard rock and heavy metal through a friend's humble tape collection including AC/DC, Twisted Sister, Motley Crue and Quiet Riot, I have been "hooked on metal" in the words of Belgium greats Acid! Oil For Kisses XV sees me joined by childhood friend and host of the Bad Roads podcast Jesse Novak while we delve into the undying appeal of 70's prog tinged proto metal to the triumphantly fun NWOBHM and onward to the best in sleaze rock and late stage hard rock/heavy metal. Once viewed as a serious threat to the fragile morals of America's youth by the self-appointed Nation's Unapproving Moms - the PMRC - most traditional heavy metal is now generally seen as the musical equivalent to Nightmare on Elm Street or Fast Times at Ridgemont High. In reality, it was both dark and threatening and also just dumb hedonistic fun. Join us!!!
NOTE: Due to time restraints I had to add a brief Part 2 to the page of intended tracks and dialogue. It's only 30 mins and covers 1991 - 2021, check it out!