What should the government be able to keep secret? Were the WikiLeaks a good thing?



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Air date: 
Tue, 12/21/2010 - 12:00am
What should the government be able to keep secret? Were the WikiLeaks a good thing?

 What should the government be able to keep secret? Were the WikiLeaks a good thing?

 The release of secret U.S. State Department diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks has prompted a draconian response, ranging from calls for founder Julian Assange's assassination to repeated attempts to shut down WikiLeaks and its satellite Web sites. Attacks from leading American political and media figures -- not to mention Assange's arrest -- suggest that it's a far graver sin to expose secrets than to govern under their aegis.

Is piercing the veil of government secrecy a good thing? Is WikiLeaks endangering national security, or providing a public service? Is an independent Web-based entity fulfilling the role that the American press has largely abdicated? With Joe on vacation, Abe looks at the fallout.


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