Fighting for Mature and Old Growth Forests with Lauren Anderson
Preserving mature and old growth forests across the US is a critical piece of the puzzle in fighting climate change, and on Earth Day of this year, President Biden issued an executive order to "strengthen America's forests, boost wildfire resilience, and combat global deforestation".
Great news, right? Not so fast. To learn more about the good, the bad, and the ugly of Federal forest and climate policy, I spoke with Oregon Wilds Forest Climate Policy Coordinator, Lauren Anderson. Lauren joined Oregon Wild in 2020 after several years in Washington, D.C. working on energy, climate and wildlife policy issues.
Among other roles, Lauren helps coordinate the Climate Forests Campaign, a coalition of environmental organizations across the country, working to protect mature and old-growth forests.
Show Notes:
White House fact sheet on President Biden's Executive Order on Forests
Good overview of the climate provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act
Going Deep on Floating Offshore Wind Energy with Shannon Souza And Joe Leibezeit
We'll be diving into the exciting and choppy waters of offshore wind!
Floating Off-shore wind energy is relatively a new technology with huge potential. The federal Bureau of Oregon Energy Management estimates up to 3 gigawatts in near-term commercial potential off of the Southern Oregon coast alone. That’s enough power for over 200,000 homes.
Excited for today’s topic, because it encapsulates a lot of the complexity and messiness around what it looks like to actually transition quickly away from fossil fuels. How do we move with the speed necessary to scale into a post-carbon energy society without creating collateral and unforeseen damage? What is the real economic and energy potential of projects like this, and what level of ecological disturbance is acceptable in the name of rapid decarbonization?
To explore these questions, we're joined by two guests - Joe Liebezeit and Shannon Souza.
Joe Liebezeit has worked for Portland Audubon since 2013 as the staff scientist and leads Audubon's Community Science and Coastal Conservation Programs. Full disclosure - we work together as part of the Oregon Marine Reserves Partnership.
Shannon Souza is the Policy Director for Pacific Ocean Energy Trust, co-founder of Oregon Coast Energy Alliance Network, and owns Sol Coast Companies, a renewable energy design, construction, and consulting business based in Coos Bay.
Show Notes:
Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (POET)
Oregon Coastal Energy Alliance Network (OCEAN)
Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition Youtube panel presentation
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Selected studies
Oregon Department of Energy - Oregon Renewable Energy Siting Assessment (ORESA)