The Party's Over: Tea Party People might just Get what They Want...And Then Get Stuck With It.



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Air date: 
Tue, 02/01/2011 - 12:00am
Interview with David Rosenfeld with the Lund Report.

Take a look at the Lund Report., of course.  It has been said that a society is only as strong as its weakest link...If that's true, then we as a society are in rough spot, here.  It seems like just yesterday we were remembering the police shooting of a distraught Aaron Campbell...wait:  it was just yesterday...And now Gresham police have shot another suicidal citizen.  Even if the hard-hearted among us confine their concern to the cost to taxpayers of all this mayhem, recall that we're saving a lot by not properly funding mental health care. 

But I digress...

On the weekend, a thousan-plus protesters converged on rancho Mirage where the redoubtable Koch Brothers held their eigth annual closed-door colloquium.  Why bothre closing the doors when we all know what's up in there.  They are divvying up the dough for groups like Americans for Prosperity and assigning assorted bogus reporters and editors to place ads in papers and bogs acrooss the nations selling out the last of our hopelessly feeble  environmental regulations in the name of jobs.  Oh, Yes!  The Jobs they will indeed create.  The jobs, however, are all located in other countries.  If you  think your commute is bad now, wait til you have to drive to Guam every morning....

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