Tomorrow night, 7:30 pm at Hipbone Studios, 1843 East Burnside Tre Arrow hosts a screening of this extraordinary Franklin Lopez film. Lopez himself will be on-hand for a Q&A. And here's the tagline: "If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, andf contaminated the food supply, would you resist?"...Well, would you?
Ahhhhhhhh…Resistance! It’s in the air, everywhere. So cyber-security giant HB Gary Federal gets hired by the Feds to investigate Anonymous, the group that launched Operation Payback. Operation Payback, you will recall, went after financial companies for turning their backs on Wikileaks. Essentially, HBGary Federal had been working to help the FBI collar Anonymous members. In fact, at the weekend the CEO of HBGary Federal, Aaron Barr, told the Financial Times he had names to name. So Anonymous struck against the security firm, this time not with a simple denial of service attack, but with a spot of real hacking. Anonymous breached HBGary Federal’s network and sites, defacing the web page and retrieving the document which supposedly contained personal details of their members. In a press release, the group called the information “woefully inaccurate”, and added that “it provided no incriminating evidence” anyway. Anonymous also made off with 50,000 or so company emails, which they distributed online, and further embarrassed the security CEO by hacking his personal Twitter account.