U.S. to bomb Libya? Oil again? Off shore banks hide billions for bankster class



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Air date: 
Thu, 02/24/2011 - 12:00am
Theresa Mitchell with the "news you're not supposed to know"

 Theresa Mitchell with the "new you're not supposed to know."  Kadafy blames protests in Libya on Al Queda, Gov. Walker in Wisconsin shows himself to be lickspittle for the bankster class.  British judge rules Julian Assange to be deported to Sweden. U.S. preparing "full range of options" for oil-rich Libya, including unspecified unilateral action -- bombing? The Blue Heron paper plant closed down  -- recycling won't happen there in Oregon City.  Lots  of people lose jobs -- Chinese are breaking the American recyling plants by setting lower prices -- this doesn't need to happen.  But coupled with Big Pipe -- we may someday be swimming and fishing in the Willamette River!  Billions hidden in offshore banks. A billion is a LOT of money. You're paying gamblers for your mortgage, you may not have to.

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