Tony Carrk (Center for American Progress's Action Fund) swims with sharks. Yes. Yes, he does. He swam with two of the biggest Great White Ones long enough to come up with an in depth report on the life and times of the $44 billion dollars boys behind every Tea Party. They provide the 'cake' and 'favors', as it were. It's a complicated but not complex, picture. Money, like matter, in large amounts has its own gravitational field. Carrk says that the only antidote is bright light - in much the same way sunlight it is pretty much all we've got when it comes to certain fungi in the soil.
And Robert Kraig is back with the Word from Wisconsin. Scott Walker "testified" before a congressional hearing today. Actually, it was the Koch Brothers who kept up Walker's arse, stealthily making their way to his mouth where they commandeered his lips and made him say those things. If you kick the chair out from under workers, there won't be and 'consumers' and if there are not consumers, then where does that leave the 'Consumer Confidence Index', and then what happens to Wall St.? But the Koch Bros. could give a rip about Wall Street: their holdings aren't publicly traded. It's a private affair...