The Next Virgen in the Volcano: Social Security Sacrificed to Wall St. & The 'Pickens Package'



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Air date: 
Tue, 04/19/2011 - 12:00am
Interviews with Nancy Altman w. Strengthen Social Security & Maura Stephens on fracking

Debt Ceiling, Credit Floors and Wall Street:

The 'Crossroads at Midnight' where the Devil dwells.  What next you ask?  Here's what:  Social Security and it's going to go fast.  Before you can blink your eyes, it's privatized.  Think about it...your granny and grandfather, all their money on a spin of the wheel.  and the wheel is loaded.  All these events that previously were unimaginable are now real and we have only just begun to feel the effects.  The Gamers at the top of the heap, the 1 percent that owns 40 percent of the nation's wealth are counting on the "old dying and the young forgeting", as Ben Gurion said of the Palestinian people as their land was in the process of being stolen out from under them.  And the ugly part?  The 'Allies', America, France, Germany, etc. justified the atrocities by claiming that anyone who objected to the creation of Israel on Palestinian soil was an anti-semite.  This from people who turned back ships full  of Jewish refugees;  this from nations with far more territory;  this, from nations that owed the Jewish people reparations;  this, from peeople like Henry Ford who championed Hitler and his horror show.

But I digress.  Social Security will be transformed before the fiscal year is out in September...and you'll be left with two options;  die or get over it.

The T.Boone Pickens Bill

Next up, fracking.  The secrecy alone  surrounding the process should be a warning.  Natural gas extraction employing hydraulic fracturing uses more water than you can begin to imagine, and in parts of the country where water is already running dry.  That is cause for serious concern up front.  But it's those pesky chemicals that we really should be worried about.  The list is long and largely unpronounceable.  But the results are deadly.  The American Petroleum Institute has been the gatekeeper as far as information is concerned.  Now comes The Law in the form of HR 1380, - the T.Boone Pickens Bill - that funnels $5 billion dollars in subsidies into 'fracking'.  Subsidies.  Yes, that's rightt:  free money for the already insanely wealthy and at the time when the federal government itself is crying poor, Standard & Poor.  We can't afford healthcare for the American people but we can afford to make T. Boone Pickens a very happy man.  Your choices?  Eat it or die, drink it and die painfully...

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