Join us at 10 pm on Monday, Nov. 25th to hear just how informed the Portland comedian community and their friends are on current event in the Pacific Northwest. It almost certainly won't be educational or informative, but high hopes of it being fun. Returning to the show will be comedians Madeline Moore and David Seung, and they will be joining comedian and story teller Sid Akkiraju of Left Coast Comedy.
Madeline Moore (@the_madelinemoore): Madeline Moore is a native New Yorker who has been doing comedy in Portland for 8 years. She enjoys birds. People make her nervous. She is an only child.
David Seung (@sunnyd.o.g): David Seung (he/him) is a second-generation Korean-American substitute teacher, standup comedian, adjunct professor, founder and sole employee of Side Dish Mafia Food Tours, and author of Silkworm’s Pansori (a full-length engagement with and appropriation of the traditional Korean sijo form of poetry releasing May 2025 through The Song Cave). He has two cats and every Pokémon.
Sid Akkiraju (@sidxakk):Sid is an actor, comedian and hand model living in the Pacific Northwest. From an early age, Sid developed an interest in storytelling through various theatrical and film productions. When he is not training to be Batman, Sid spends his time pursuing athletic and artistic endeavors. A lifelong student, Sid is inspired by his environment and can be described as “that guy on the sidewalk.” He has performed across the United States and internationally as well. Keep your eyes and ears open and maybe you’ll catch him.