August is the national “Nuclear Free Future Month,” and down South in California (And across the world...but you will find sorry little if you are using American Google to search for information) a broad coalition of Bay Area groups is organizing two events at the Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory, one of the two principle U.S. facilities engaged in nuclear weapons research and development.
And then we turn to the topic of America's political prisoners. Susan Lindauer was declared an "enemy non-combatent" and under the vicious, insidious cesspool Patriot Act, Lindauer was left staring into an infinite gallery of mirrors reflecting endless steel bars. She was incarcerated in a Communications Management Unit, a prison for thought and speech crimes where those who's words are considered a danger to the military-industrial myth machine are disappeared. Susan emerged from the ordeal the same but stronger - which can be expected given that she herself was formerly a CIA asset working at the Libyan Embasy.
Another prisoner of silence, Bradley Manning still waits in Leavenworth for National Security goons to come up with charges - any charges with a chance of sticking - that might lead to a trial date. It has been over 14 months now...and no end in