Very simply, should president Barack Obama exercize his veto when the time comes roaring down out of History's highest passes next week, forcing Palestinian negotiaters to play the 'Uniting for Peace' Resolution 377 (1950), thus "vetoing" the veto. UN full membership means Palestine would be positioned to bring Israeli officials before the International Criminal Court to answer for the thousands of deaths, the tens of thousands of injured, the illegal detentions and interrogations that amount to torture, the lawless settlement activity perpetrated by Israelis. Since the Israelis have refused to negotiate in good faith all these years crowded with walls upon walls upon walls, the Uniting for Peace Resolution is the silver bullet that lies in the last chamber wating for a trigger finger...
It is absolutely critical that all of us who support Palestinians' right to their own lives on their own land to call the president and ask - No. Tell - him he must not veto Palestine's bid for recognition...Because whether or not the US veto is deployed, thanks to Resolution 377, Palestinian statehood is coming, and if America has this stain to explain every time it approaches the negotiating table, nothing else will be talked about - no matter how many words are spoken.
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