A natural gas power plant in the Columbia Gorge? In Troutdale? On Oregon's sanctified Tourist Trail? Ohhhhh yes; if PGE has its winkie in the pie - and when is our energy connection ever not seeking to slip it in? Then a company based in New York has got plans for Troutdale and those plans are not about the trout. But don't blame PGE 100 percent...after all, do not we, the customers, share at least half the blame? If we weren't buying, would the company be selling? We really are a motly bunch of dealers, squealers, pimps and johns. If demand took a sudden dive, do you seriously believe that pGE would keep on contaminating the atmosphere? Well, yes...yes it would. Because there is always a market for cheap power and there is always the morning after - as any caveman who has survived a lightening strike will tell you...
Here's the right website: www.gorgefriends.org/
And here's the Occupy Portland site as well: occupyportland.org/
And from the What We Don't Know About The Middle East Will Kill Us Dept.:
dear_raed.blogspot.com/, www.barnesandnoble.com/w/iraqi-bloggers-books-llc/1023326501, www.e-stas.org/programa.php
Coda: What most Americans - even the political-hipster-vegan-elite - do not realize: People in the rest of the world the ' In the Cross Hairs' crowd, the Consumption crowd, the 'Corporate Sweatshop' crowd, the 'Lonely electronic' crowd all are the same as you and me. That picture of a Somali woman carrying one dead child and dragging two possibly semi-alive children behind her as she slogs barefoot over the sand with no food or water for three days? That woman? She feels exactly the way you would feel if you were to find yourself in her situation...