Ley Anti-Inmigrantes y Redada en Arizona



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Air date: 
Tue, 04/20/2010 - 12:00am
Ley Anti-Inmigrantes y Redada en Arizona

 Isabel García, co-directora de la Coalición de Derechos Humanos (CDH) desde Arizona y Arnoldo García, director ejecutivo de la Red Nacional Pro-Derechos Inmigrantes y Refugiados (NNIRR) desde California, hablan sobre el proyecto de ley SB 1070 que hace posible el perfil racial y de la última gran redada que el pasado 15 de abril más de 800 agentes del ICE llevaron a cabo en cuatro comunidades de Arizona: Nogales, Rio Rico, Tucson y Phoenix.


     People from a variety of countries spend up to ten years to legally immigrate to this country and become citizens.  Allowing people to arrive here and stay without following the legal path to citizenship is an insult to those who followed the rules.  It's like taking out a ten year loan for a great automobile and making payments every year to own it and then someone else comes along, steals the same type of automobile and the government just says, "that's OK... I don't want to seem racist.  Keep it".  The injustice is balatant!  Where is your sense of economic justice!?

Hear, hear!  I agree.  Why is it that folks who are interested in following and upholding the law are called racist and intolerant?  What kind of country will this be without justice, and allowing illegal immigration is injustice...

So, what do you think those people were while they waited 10 years?( actually it may take up to 15 even 18 years to legalize your status)THEY WERE ILEGAL IMMIGRANTS..they were just given the opporutnity to follow the legal path. And that's what all those people who serve you and everyone else in fast food restaurants, who work at farms, hotels house keeping and all those low paying jobs that no one else will do, are asking for.
An opportunity to follow the legal path, the USA is a country of immigrants.

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