Voices from the Edge on 04-19-12 Sexual assault and homeless women



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Air date: 
Thu, 04/19/2012 - 12:00am
Sexual assault and homeless women: Addressing an ignored link

Sexual assault and homeless women: Addressing an ignored link

Women in an abusive relationship are often forced to choose between abuse at home or life on the streets. Demand far outstrips the supply of affordable housing or shelter space. A 2006 U.S. Conference of Mayors report found that 29 percent of shelter requests by homeless families were denied due to lack of resources. The link between domestic violence and homelessness is well documented. A recent study in Massachusetts found that 92 percent of homeless women had experience severe physical or sexual assault at some point in their life. San Diego's Regional Task Force on the Homeless found that 50 percent of homeless women are domestic violence victims. While the problem continues to grow, many lawmakers are pushing for reduced funding for what resources currently exist for battered women.

This week, Jo Ann and Dave talk with Doreen Binder, Executive Director of Transitions Project, and Jessie Mindlin and Laura Mahr, attorneys at the Victims' Rights Law Center about what is being done nationally and in Oregon to address the problem. Binder, Mindlin and Mahr recently presented at the World Conference of Women's Shelters on this issue.

Jo Ann Hardesty is a former state legislator, former director of Oregon Action and past board president of Portland Community Media, as well as a long-time leader in the struggle for racial and economic justice. Dave Mazza is a journalist and former editor of The Portland Alliance who has covered and been involved in Portland's civil rights, environmental, labor and peace movements for over 20 years.

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Co-Hosts: Jo Ann Hardesty and Dave Mazza

Producers: Dave Mazza and Jo Ann Hardesty

Program Engineer: Steve Nassar

Audio Editor: Alicia Olson

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