From BARK-OUT on Mount Hood to Thugged out in Baltimore...



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Air date: 
Fri, 05/01/2015 - 10:00am to 10:15am
Interviews with BARK Out's Brenna Bell and the Rev. Graylan Hagler in Baltimore

 Excerpts, Rewrites and Roadkill at the Media Mall…

Here is the link to BARK Out:
The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians doesn’t expect the casino to become a destination attraction, unlike other major Indian casinos in Oregon.
The tribal group already operates one of nine Indian casinos in Oregon, the Three Rivers Casino and Hotel in Florence.
Its new casino will be named Three Rivers Casino Coos Bay and be labeled a Class II casino under the federal regulations on Indian casinos.   That means it’s more limited in the kinds of gambling it can offer than other Indian casinos, which are labeled Class III and can have table games.
Steve Horn's latest up on DeSmogBlog right now, digs into lobbying disclosure forms, White House meeting logs, Clinton Foundation funding, and other things to tell the story of how the Qatar Petroleum-ExxonMobil owned Golden Pass LNG export terminal has gone about peddling influence in Washington, DC and indeed, making policy progress. Anthony “Tony” Podesta began lobbying in late 2013 on behalf of a company co-owned by ExxonMobil and Qatar Petroleum aiming to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the global market. Tony is the brother of John Podesta, former top climate change adviser to President Barack Obama and current top campaign aide for Hillary Clinton's 2016 bid for president.
From the May Day Action in Oakland California, this:  All around the world May Day has been a day for direct action, reclaiming the streets, speaking out against injustice. Systematic racism, police violence, environmental catastrophes, and economic inequality are some of the many oppressions that are destroying our lives and the planet we live on. May Day should always be the day to take it to the next level and #shutitdown. We cannot continue to live this way and May Day we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
On behalf of the Industrial Workers of the World, the Environmental Unionist Caucus endorses and will support the May Day Port Shut-Down called by the ILWU Local 10, the #LaborAgainstPoliceTerror March and Rally, and direct actions taken by Bay Area IWW members, as well as the May Day General Strike in Montreal.
In preparation for May Day protests, a determined unionist dropped a banner early this morning reading “May Day #SHUTITDOWN!” at 17th and Broadway. This Banner was intentionally dropped near Latham Square, the site of the 1946 Oakland General Strike, in hopes to revive the tactic. We think it is the most effective tool for working class people to achieve their demands for a living wage, against police violence, and against austerity and gentrification. We hope to shut down the city this May Day to show the world that the workers are the ones that run the system and it is time to stop it’s exploitation and stop the destruction of the working class, poor, and the planet we inhabit.
Another Bad Idea : Since the inception of the “Zoo Master Plan” proposal to establish the “California Native” conservation exhibit there has been grassroots push-back at every stage of the extended regulatory process. Several months ago, a referendum campaign by the community-neighborhood group, “Friends of Knowland Park”, which was aimed at overturning a city ordinance approving the private land grab, failed when only 8,000 of the required 21,000 signatures was collected within the deadline of one month. For the past nineteen years, Friends of Knowland Park has demanded for the EBZS to produce an Environmental Impact Report, required by the California Environmental Quality Act, and has analyzed fiscal records behind the $61 million “California Trail” expansion project. This has exposed the public-private partnership between the EBZS and the City of Oakland through the taxes extracted from Oakland residents.

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