Radiozine on 04/18/11



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Air date: 
Mon, 04/18/2011 - 11:30am to 12:00pm
"I'm Hot!...and I'm Bald!": CHEMOTHERAPY FOR WINNERS,"

Host Crystal Leighty speaks with Elaine Jesmer, author of "I'm Hot!...and I'm Bald!: CHEMOTHERAPY FOR WINNERS," about how to handle the side effects of chemotherapy, and why it's important not be afraid of it.

Jesmer says chemo is not only the standard of care for many cancers, but also for multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and for anyone who has had an organ transplant. Although the severity of the side effects vary, the side effects are often the same for anyone taking these drugs. She focuses on different ways to handle the side effects and the importance of overcoming the fear. According to Jesmer fear can be almost as deadly as the disease chemo is treating because it interferes with judgment at a time when clear judgment is needed.


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