Dan Handelman and Portland CopWatch



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Air date: 
Mon, 02/18/2008 - 4:00pm

Abe Proctor and Joe Uris interview local activist Dan Handelman from Portland Copwatch (www.portlandcopwatch.org) They discuss Portland's Independent Police Review Division (www.PortlandOnLine.com/Auditor) and it's "Wolf Guarding the Hen House" structure. You can watch the Portland CopWatch Video on YouTube: Peace and Justice Works.

Activists!!! Mark Your Calendars!!!

"Your Rights and the Police"
Thursday, February 21 at 7 PM at CityBikes Annex, 734 SE Ankeny
The seminar reviews basic rights to know for being stopped by, harmed by, or when observing the police. A lawyer will be present to help answer legal questions best not answered by the volunteers at PCW.

Independent Police Review Assessment Report to Portland City Council
Thursday, February 28th at 2:00 PM in the Portland City Council Chambers at 1221 SW 4th Ave (Agenda here)

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