Lighthouse Lessons and Phokus Phaktor collide Universes

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Hosted by: 
Produced by: 
Air date: 
Fri, 09/15/2017 - 12:00am to 3:00am
Free Will Vibn and Leidi Monte co-host a community round table on the intersections of life, society, and art.

Special guests [E]mpress, Jonny Cool, KO, Whysir Raps, and Thunderkid, as well as DJ Timothy Bee along with other members of our vibrant community gather to to participate in discussion, art appreciation, colloaboration, and stength-building. Topics include human rights, family and societal roles and navigating those roles in a complex world through art and love. New music from local artists [E]mpress, Whysir, & Jonny Cool.

Audio by Topic: