Retired..or ReWired? Episode 19: The Village Movement


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Air date: 
Tue, 07/24/2018 - 11:30am to 12:00pm
We talk about a movement that tries to help old people stay in their homes,

19 The Village Movement:

Redefining "Aging in Place."

Lynn trainer, Villages Northwest, and Lee Radovich, Village member

We discussed these issues:

What is the Village movement (is that the right term, “movement?”).  


Can you give us a little context:  


How and where did this movement originate? 

            How far has it spread?  How big is it now?

            How did it get to Portland?

How many villages do we have here in Portland?  How about outside the City---suburbs, Vancouver, other locations in the region?

            Where are they?

            Can we discuss something distinctive about each one?

            How has the growth of Portland affected the Villages?

What is it about a village that an older person would like----

Should we talk about the different stages of getting old, and how the village relates differently at different times in life?

                        Transition from work to retirement.

                        Healthy years


Does the village meet needs at different stages of being old?

Does the village promote different kinds of housing for elderly?

How does a village promote social interaction?  Are there social events in the villages?

Can one find paid work win a village?

Technical skills may become rusty due to lack of use, do villages offer an opportunity to use skills, knowledge and expertise, perhaps in new and different ways?  Give examples…

What kinds of services do villages offer to different members: Associate or Social members (airport ride, help with technology, a household task that needs an extra set of hands) and a temporary upgrade to Full Service if you have a temporary need (a broken bone, surgery, etc.)

Do people who live in the villages volunteer?  Can anyone volunteer to help?

Do the Villages promotes physical exercise?  How about mental exercise?

How is the Village Movement addressing this generation's perception of aging?

How might a Village fit into the lives of younger adults or children?

Can there be intergenerational programs?  Do you use youthful volunteers to fill in with services that may be better handled by younger people (ladders, making the smart phone or printer work come to mind)?

How does one start a Village?              

What is the paperwork?

Is it necessary to involve a lawyer?


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