The One Thing You Can Do to Save the Earth



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Air date: 
Sun, 09/30/2018 - 8:30am to 9:00am
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Author Jeff Goebel speaks with guest host Renee Poindexter

Jeff Goebel is a leading expert in helping individuals and communities attain their goals and remove the obstacles that lie in the way, with over thirty years of national and international successes in consensus building, conflict resolution, and visioning for sustainable solutions. As an award-winning consultant in private practice, he has worked on catalyzing positive change with everyone from non-profits to government agencies, multi-national corporations to small family ranchers. He has developed a highly effective program of respectful listening, visioning, and planning that attains long-range and long-lasting change through 100% consensus and engaged commitment of all parties. His articles and studies have been published in professional journals, anthologies, and on his blog.

His recently released book, The One Thing You Can Do to Save the Earth  is- about three young grandchildren, who are reflecting on the gloomy news of climate change, wars, hunger, poverty and other global issues, and who ask their visiting grandfather to comfort them. Grandpa tells them the story of the earth's past, present, and future relationship with humans. The story ends with an optimism that urban and suburban families are not powerless in making a difference, creating a sense of empowerment and hope. The simple solution is a market-based approach that families can do when they shop for food, which directs their dollars toward a better, healthier future with the earth and people.

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