Positive Charge!



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Air date: 
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 9:00am to 9:30am
Positive Charge Members sewing therapeutic blankets
Host Suzanne LaGrande interviews Sallie Cohen, Ruthie Matinko-Wald, Jen Zeidman, members of Positive Charge


We are inundated by news of hate and intolerance in our newsfeeds, on the radio, and on TV on a daily basis. How can we deal with all this bad stuff without feeling helpless, depressed, and outraged? Two years ago, a group of women representing different religions, sexual orientations, ethnicities, ages, genders, etc., sat down in Multnomah Village to brainstorm various ways to create positive actions, connections, education, respect, and news among all groups in our community. The result was Positive Charge! Host Suzanne LaGrande interviews Sallie Cohen, Ruthie Matinko-Wald, Jen Zeidman, members of Positive Charge! about the ways they have found to work with various community organizations to create positive changes.

In the two years since Positive Charge! been in existence, here are a few of things they've done:

1) Collections for Causes: e.g., Paper goods and toiletries drive for Stephens Creek Crossing and Raphael House; Welcome Box supplies for foster kids through Embrace Oregon; Kids' costumes and dress-up props for the Chelsea Hicks Foundation


2) Giving Time: e.g., Making and serving dinner at the Ronald McDonald House for families who have spent emotionally exhausting days with their children in the hospital; Making and serving dinners to families staying at the family shelter at the Congregation Beth Israel; Picking up donated food from Safeway and delivering it to Urban Gleaners for distribution to the hungry; Making cookies and delivering them on Christmas Day to those working in our emergency services around the city (police, firefighters, and emergency rooms); Volunteering as store greeters to hand out cards encouraging Thanksgiving shoppers to donate to Meals on Wheels; and more.


3) Arts and Crafts: e.g, Sewing weighted lap pads and neck wraps as therapeutic "hugs" for the Giving Connection for distribution to young, local victims of sex trafficking; Decorating placemats for seniors served by Meals on Wheels; and (soon) Making "Soul Boxes" commemorating victims of gun violence. 


For more information about Positive Charge!, visit them at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1871001039786074/

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