Conducted by Charles Shambry, current volunteer and member of KBOO's Board of Directors. --
KatMeow García is a bilingual Media Educator and Manager of Media Education at Open Signal, a media arts center in Portland, where she oversees the media education programs. She works with instructors to provide media education paths suited for their students’ needs and curriculum that supports creativity, values equity, and gives access to industry standard production equipment and software.
KatMeow served as President of The KBOO Foundation (KBOO's Board Chair) for three years and was Liaison to the Development Committee. Her main roles on KBOO's Board were development planning, as well as overseeing the operations of the Board and ensuring the Board stayed in accordance with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's grant requirements.
KatMeow previously served as the check signer of the National Association for Media Education. While serving on NAME’s Board, she worked to develop a future funding plan for outreach to major donors. She's also part of the Thurston County Santo Tomás Sister City Association. KatMeow has served as a delegate for TSTSCA working, teaching and living in Nicaragua to learn more about self-sustaining nonprofits in Nicaragua and share about similar nonprofit structures in the US. She has also volunteered for the local Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC) as a peer support for survivors.
KatMeow is a graduate of The Evergreen State College, and earned a BFA in Film and a minor in Social Justice. She holds a Small Business certificate from the University of International Business and Economics, Beijing China. In her spare time, KatMeow is a producer, painter, singer, gardener and an activist.
Also, two episodes of World Ocean Radio
* Ocean and Religious Doctrine: This week we're examining religious beliefs around the world and religious commitment to the ocean and to the protection of natural resources, and read from various doctrinal statements by leaders of the major religions of the world that pertain to ocean and water. (12-13-2022)
* A Minister for the Ocean: How do we govern the ocean? This week on World Ocean Radio we introduce a concept that advocates for a centralized Ministry for the Ocean, a voice at the highest level of government to advocate for ocean policy and protection. (11-07-2022)