Tim DeChristopher - EcoHero! plus: PayPal Cancels Bradley Manning's Life Support



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Air date: 
Thu, 02/24/2011 - 12:00am
Interviews with Rising Tide' Ant on the DeChristopher trial & PayPal cancels Manning's support acct.



Tim DeChristopher goes on trial Monday in Salt Lake City.  The question:  How far would you go to stand up for your beliefs?  

The federal government wants to make an example of DeChristopher, to deter other ordinary citizens from taking similar action in similar circumstances. It’s possible that he will spend 10 years — the remainder of his 20s and the majority of his 30s — in federal prison.   Here's why:   In December 2008, Tim DeChristopher rescued thousands of acres of pristine Utah land from being auctioned at fire-sale prices as a source of dirty energy. Tim shut down a BLM auction that included parcels — with prices starting at $2 an acre — including land adjacent to Utah’s national parks and monuments. The auction was so shady that it was later dismissed by the current administration after a lawsuit by local environmental groups called it into question. But that lawsuit wasn’t enough to stop the outgoing administration from dealing out last-minute favors to cronies in the fossil fuel industry. That’s why DeChristopher stepped in. He took the protest outside the auction house one step further: he went inside, registered as bidder 70, and started pushing up prices and winning parcels, well aware that this degree of fraud was criminal. After he racked up a price tag of nearly $1.8 million and caught the attention of theauthorities, the auction was shut down. He was indicted with two felonies for his actions, and on Feb. 28, after six delays by the prosecution, he finally goes to trial.  www.bidder70.org   southwestearthfirst.wordpress.com/.../week-of-action-to-protest-trial-of-bidder-70-tim-dechristopher/   www.peacefuluprising.org/climate-trial


And more on the Saga of Bradley Manning, still incarcerated at a military prison in Quantico, Virginia.  Manning has strong support on the outside, circle upon circle of friends, neighbors and total strangers who care about human rights...hell, care about legal rights.  What's going on here?  When's the trial?  Why is Manning being kept in solitary confinement?  www.bradleymanning.org  And now this:  The online payment provider PayPal has frozen the account of Courage to Resist, which in collaboration with the Bradley Manning Support Network is currently raising funds in support of U.S. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning. PayPal was one way people--especially international residents--were able to contribute to the grassroots effort supporting the accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower.   The Support Network repeatedly requested and was refused formal documentation from PayPal describing their policies in this matter.PayPal is a private company and thus under no legal obligation to provide Courage to Resist, the Bradley Manning Support Network, or anyone else with services. This was something made very clear to the Support Network by PayPal representatives.


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