This is What Democracy Loooks Like...in Bahrain...
And back in the Good 'Ole USofA, Bradley Manning is still in prison: Some Dare Call It Torture.
First, let me offer links to sites relevant to the interviews with Husein Abdulla,, Director of the Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain and for the Bradley Manning Support Network. This, because it is hightime we all take a critical look at the current flacid condition of the Oregonian, our state's 'paper of record'. The Big O does do some digging, but the shovelling goes a lot faster when the keepers of the meat know that nothing the paper uncovers will be used to display their dirty deeds in bright light...Oh no. Let's call the technique, 'Dancing with Wool'. And it goes something like this: You unleawssh a pack of grinning interns armed with FOIA requests, you buy them memberships in investigative reporting sites, Hell, you show them how to log on to Wikileaks...And let them run. They'll be back with the dope soon enough. Whereupon the editors all get together and lean on the big digital stack vying with oneanother to see who can push the facts farthest to the right.
The Oregonian has been listing hard to the right, a sure sign something is sinking fast. The past few weeks the Big O has taken a highly suspect pro-position on the Joint Terrorism Task Force and now this latest on ‘Ending Green Energy Subsidies’: “A free-for-all reputation shades Oregon's green energy incentives, which offer hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for everything from experimental solar panels to employee perks at some of the state's richest companies.” So it’s a ‘free-for-all’? Ever consider writing for a change? What exactly do you mean by ‘freee-for-all’ and if you know what you mean, why don’t you write that instead? The Big O claims – and I believe it – to have looked at the record and concluded that it shows the program has been treated more like a state-sponsored ATM machine by hundreds of companies. Want to gamble on a solar megaplant? Get a tax credit that pays half the cost. Need a new heat pump? Cut your upfront costs by more than a third with a state credit. State documents show it doesn't matter whether a company needs the help. Nor does it matter how speculative its plans are, or how much energy it saves or produces -- the tax breaks flow. Funny isn’t it that the Oregonian shows little investigative zeal when it comes to tax breaks for Oregon’s wealthiest… Take a look at these past few weeks; Did the Feds have to blow the entire editorial staff at the Big O? They don’t have enough broom closets to accommodate the throngs (In thongs?). Gasp at the paper’s fawning support for the Joint Terrorism Task Force! Laugh as the editors make bullying fun of the opposition! Be amazed at the absence opposing evidence! And Wow! So many coupons! And now this latest on ‘Ending Green Energy Subsidies’: “A free-for-all reputation shades Oregon's green energy incentives, which offer hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for everything from experimental solar panels to employee perks at some of the state's richest companies.” So it’s a ‘free-for-all’? Ever consider writing for a change? What exactly do you mean by ‘freee-for-all’ and if you know what you mean, why don’t you write that instead? The Big O claims – and I believe it – to have looked at the record and concluded that it shows the program has been treated more like a state-sponsored ATM machine by hundreds of companies. Want to gamble on a solar megaplant? Get a tax credit that pays half the cost. Need a new heat pump? Cut your upfront costs by more than a third with a state credit. State documents show it doesn't matter whether a company needs the help. Nor does it matter how speculative its plans are, or how much energy it saves or produces -- the tax breaks flow. Funny isn’t it that the Oregonian shows little investigative zeal when it comes to tax breaks for Oregon’s wealthiest…