On the 'Res'? The Big 'Cover-Up'. plus: James Galbraith rates the Deficit, the S&P and Debt



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Air date: 
Thu, 04/21/2011 - 12:00am
Interviews w. Reservoir Friend Kent Craford & James Galbraith on the deficit, S&P's downgrade threat

                                                                                     Bull Run Reservoir:  Better than Bottled...You don't drink plasticwater in plastic bottles anymore, Right?   Then why would anyone want to put Portland's entire4 wtaer supply in a huge plastic water bottle?  And please don't tell me you're afraid of the mighty cryptosporidium.  Until the controvery over covering  our reservoirs you had never heard of the tiny creature that is currently climbing all over you and yours.   Wake the fuck up people...cryptosporidium is endemic not epidemic.  Can it make you sick?  Yes, but only if your immune system has never met it before and if you get a huge dose of the thing.  Is there a means of prevention?  Yes!  It's called exposing your immune system to the Crypto-crap.


And the Deficit?  Read James Galbraith. Or read William Geider in The Nation:  "Standard & Poor's, the self-righteous credit-rating agency, has a damn lot of nerve. It provoked scary headlines by solemnly threatening to "short" America. That is, downgrade the credit-worthiness of US Treasury bonds unless Congress and the president oblige creditors by punishing the citizenry with severe budget cuts. What a load of crap.  The headline I would like to see is this: "S&P Execs Face Major Fraud Investigation, Take the Fifth Before Federal Grand Jury."

The New York Times Redux:

A Republican invitation for Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to address Congress next month is highlighting the tensions between President Obama and Mr. Netanyahu and has kicked off a bizarre diplomatic race over who will be the first to lay out a new proposal to reopen the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton likes the idea but Dennis B. Ross, the president’s senior adviser on the Middle East is against.  And as the rest of us know, as long as Israel has Congress in its pocket, the slow-motion genocide of the Palestinian people will continue

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