Bigger than Bernanke: Hamas & Fatah Reconciliation. plus: LNG in Coos Bay Still Fast-Tracked?


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Air date: 
Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:00am
Covering Bases: Interviews with George Rishmawi in Occupied Palestine & Jody McCafferee in Coos Bay.


George Rishmawi, Editor in Chief at the International Middle East Media Center her this:  " Hamas and Fatah sign a reconciliation draft agreement in Cairo Egypt Wednesday evening following rounds  of talks, with hope to end a four-year internal unrest in the Palestinian Territories, Palestinian media sources reported.   Both parties agreed, under Egyptian supervision, to form a transitional government soon. The two delegations, headed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Fatah movement and Khaled Mashaal, Hamas' politburo chief, discussed the security issue and ways to coordinate the two security forces that Hamas and Fatah control. They have set a date for general elections to take place, however, it is not disclosed yet.   A Hamas official reported that all points of differences with Fatah have been overcome. During the past month, Palestinian youth protested in a number of West Bank and Gaza areas calling for ending division.   Egyptian sources said that the two parties will be invited into Egypt soon to an official signing ceremony."  Here's the websitee for those unfamiliar with the IMEMC,


The power-grab by LNG companies to get special treatment for their proposed pipelines continues in the state Senate.   Help stop the proposed Fast-Track Bill by contacting the Committee members listed in the attachment - urge them to REJECT HB2700, or to AMEND it with the dash 6 “No LNG”

amendment that will protect property rights and prevent the fast-track of LNG.


It is very important that these committee members hear from you NOW. They have just finished with all of the Senate proposed bills, and will now look at the bills proposed by the House.  


Some of us went down to Salem a couple of weeks ago to talk to these Senators. Some of them are “sitting on the fence”, and we need you to talk to them!


All the news articles that have surfaced in the last month have shown that the LNG companies are planning these facilities to export our US natural gas! They now have publicly admitted this! We don’t want our Oregon laws changed to expedite the taking of private property, and to expedite the loss of US jobs and energy!


At the very least we need the Senators on this committee to amend HB 2700 with the “dash 6 “NO LNG” amendment” that Senator Beyer has.  

Video clip of news story: 


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