If President Obama's speech today is any indication, Uncle Bibi and Uncle Sam are going to do a little male bonding. Response to the president's hollow, risible words - across the Middle East - ranged from anger to apathy.
Israel's Latest Toxic Pratfall: 1,500 New Settlement Houses Overshadow Obama's empty words. Goes without saying that the "Road to Peace" does not run through a Jewish settlement. But for a staggering number of peaceful Palestinian protesters, the road to the hospital/cemetary does...And if President Obama's recent triumph over 'The Evil One' lands with the dull thud of a mortar dud in the Middle East (Begging the question: If a bomb falls in an abandoned city, is anyone killed?), shouldn't we at least look at risk/reward? I mean if Osama bin Laden was a constant terror threat to the US, he was at least equally ominous in Middle Eastern nations where the emresst suggestion of his presence guaranteed a little 'asymetrical' aggression.
Thanks for Nothing, President Obama...