Selections from CMarie Fuhrman's April 5, 2023 talk at the Washington State University Visiting Writers Series, about the hopefulness of obliterating dams and replanting forest on the South Fork of the Salmon River.
CMarie Fuhrman is an author and poet whose work is rooted in the landscape of the West. She has authored Camped Beneath the Dam: Poems and co-edited two significant anthologies, Cascadia Field Guide: Art, Ecology, and Poetry and Native Voices: Indigenous Poetry, Craft, and Conversations. She hosts Terra Firma, a podcast from Colorado Public Radio, and has published or forthcoming poetry and nonfiction in multiple journals, including Terrain.org, Emergence Magazine, Platform Review, Northwest Review, Yellow Medicine Review, Poetry Northwest, and several anthologies. CMarie is a regular columnist for the Inlander, former Idaho Writer in Residence, and the Elk River Writers Workshop Director. She is the Associate Director and Director of Poetry for the Graduate Program in Creative Writing at Western Colorado University, where she teaches Nature Writing. CMarie resides in the Salmon River Mountains of Idaho.
Image: composite of cropped "[IDAHO-B-0014] Salmon River" by waterarchives licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 and CMarie Fuhrman author publicity photo from https://www.cmariefuhrman.com/. [Image description: left side is a black and white photo of a river, with whitewater in the foreground, and in the background, the far shore of a wooded valley and hills. Right side is a sepia toned photo of a woman's face, facing the camera; she has long dark hair and bangs and is wearing a long beaded earring; image is cropped so that only the left side of her face is visible.]
The broadcast version of the show offers selections from the beginning of the talk, and an excerpt from the end of the talk, separated by a brief interlude of music from "Climate" by Erik Ian Walker, at Climate Music.
The audio link here is the full talk.