Host Glen Andresen and co-pilot Jim Gilbert brave the elements for a live show! So, how is your garden faring in this heat? Plus, now is the time to get your fall and winter veggie plants going. And a primer on rock and glacial dust use in the garden.
As always, we'll have a new Plant of the Month (plants for the fall and winter veggie garden) and a new Garden Stumper (the winner gets a free sharpening of a hand tool from Cully Farm Store in Northeast Portland!). Plus, our Dirtbag Dictionary term is "heirloom." And, of course, what Glen is trying to understand this month.
Don't forget, if you have a gardening question, and don't want to call in, you can always email us at thedirtbag@kboo.org -- we'll answer your question on the air during the next show.
The Dirtbag, a garden variety show... Listen. Laugh. Learn.