Erin Harrell is a Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice. She holds a master’s degree in Contemplative Psychotherapy and Buddhist Psychology from Naropa University. She began that degree at the age of 38 after working as an in-home caregiver. Her relationships with people at the end of life inspired a renewed commitment to a life focused on connection and kindness.
Erin was born on the Atlantic coast of Florida. Her parents met in seminary and she was raised in the Southern Baptist Church. She took to heart the experiences of joyful collective action and the importance of taking care of each other. Early on, she left behind the church’s limited ideas about who is worthy of care and found her own more expansive path. She studied religious ethics as an undergraduate and was a progressive student activist. Her working life began in nonprofits. In her late 30’s she was searching for more direct care work and became an in-home caregiver. She returned to school and, since 2017, has worked as a licensed professional counselor. She’s lived in Portland since 2018.
website: www.erinharrellcounseling.com