
What you can do to help and a sample letter:

Please write a letter of support for Sundiata Acoli. Your support is needed. Print it, sign it, mail it. It's that easy! Letter, links and more info are below!

more details:

1) Sundiata's parole hearing is scheduled to take place in February 2010 and Sundiata turns 73 years old on January 14th. We cannot underestimate the importance and critical nature of this hearing and our letters. Letters of support are due January 8, 2010.

2) Groups can email to arrange pick up and collection of letters or mail letters directly to Sundiata's legal team (not the parole board) at the following address:


Florence Morgan, Esq.

120-46 Queens Blvd.

Kew Gardens, NY 11415

(Note: Attorneys want to keep a record of the number of letters that are sent)

3) Orgs are encouraged to print letters on letterhead if applicable.

4) Individuals should feel free to personalize this letter by adding a short graph about themselves so we can show diversity in type of support Sundiata has. (not mandatory though)

5) Providing complete address and email also are not mandatory. If folks prefer, they can provide just their City and State and that is sufficient.

6) Anyone who would like to volunteer with additional outreach should email, especially college students!

7) It is encouraged that folks print out a stack of these letters and bring them to events (Kwanzaa, family gatherings, performances, etc) College students can also help when classes resume by doing the same.

8) Folks can also support by signing and helping to circulate the following online petition:

Need more info about Sundiata Acoli? Check the sites below!  

In Solidarity!

fayemi shakur

Sundiata Acoli Freedom Campaign


 December  1, 2009


Chairwoman Volette C. Ross

New Jersey State Parole Board

P.O. Box 862

Trenton NJ 08625


Chairwoman Ross:


I am writing this letter concerning Sundiata Acoli, NJ#54859/Fed#39794-066, who is eligible for parole February of 2010. I strongly encourage you to grant his parole request.

Sundiata’s age is a strong reason to grant parole. In January 2010, Sundiata will be 73 years old. He has been incarcerated for 36 years and has served his sentence. Elderly prisoners’ recidivism rates are extremely low and they are highly unlikely to commit a crime once released. In addition, elderly prisoners require more intensive medical care to remain healthy, which is an added cost to the prison system.

Sundiata’s prison record has been impeccable. Not only has he not had any violations or write-ups in decades, he is a talented painter, writer and educator. He has worked with high school and college classes across the country, providing information and insight, as well as providing support to other prisoners who want to further their education.

Sundiata himself has a very impressive educational and work background, having worked at NASA in the 1960s as a computer programmer. He left that job to travel to the South to register Blacks to vote during the Civil Rights movement.

Sundiata has expressed remorse for his involvement in the circumstance that has led to his incarceration. I believe with all of my heart that if he is released, he will be an asset to the community, one that is sorely needed.

Sundiata is a father and a grandfather, and his greatest desire is to get to watch his grandchildren grow up. Please help fulfill that desire.


Name: _________________ ______________________ ___________________


Address: __________________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________