We hope you enjoyed your Native American "Indian Country" show on Friday 6-25-10


We hope you enjoyed your Native American "Indian Country" show oln Fri 6-25-10


We hope that you enjoyed our music selection on the Friday 6-25-10 show. We played alot of Charles Littleleaf, who was our guest on the Friday 6-11-10 show. He is a terrific flute player and flute maker. He came all the way from the Warm Springs reservation to visit with us all. His music is truely inspired. It touches your heart and gets it in touch with the earth. Mother earth. It ws a real blessing to have him and his wife Vicky on as our guests. What a gift they gave to us!

We will be back on the air with our show on 7-09-10, the Great One willing. We are on alternating Fridays. We are still being tried out by KBOO along with 3 other programs that are being tried out.. Hopefully there will be enough room for all of the programs, including "Indian Country", on every other Friday., from 1:30-3:00pm.

The Native Americans are so very under represented in the media, except on KBOO radio. KBOO radio Portland is very enovative in bring the community a variety of genres and alternative programing, including "Indian Country."  If you'd like to continue to hear great Native music, Powwow announcemets , Native news and events on "Indian Country", please let KBOO radio know by calling them , or emailing them,  on this site- on "comments" or "reply" tabs. You can also send info you want announced on "Indian Country" by emailing freemamaear@yahoo.com.  

We try to bring you , our listeners, announcements of current events, news, and Native music- modern and tradtional. We always welcome your input into the show. We encourage you to come on in and be a guest co-host. Or come on down to make an announcment for your group, an event, or to discuss what you do in or for the Native community.

"Indian Country" is our living room. Please come  and visit by either listening ,calling ,emailing or coming in to participate in the dicussions. Our Native communtiy needs to stay together, be cohesive and strong. Go to the Powwows. Take your children and their friends. Teach them the ways of our culture. We are  still here!!

Looking forward to being with you again on Friday 7-09-10, 1:30-3:00pm

Wado/Thanks you, Samantha

