LIfe During Wartime 15 Year Anniversary!



KBOO Punk Show "Life During Wartime" hosts 15 Year Anniversary Show and Celebration!

Rebecca Gilbert and I started Life During Wartime in 1995... and now it's hosted by Kevin, Kate, Cissie, Colin, and still me! We are celebrating 15 years of our punk rock radio show on KBOO with a live concert at Black Water Records, 1920 SE Morrison St on Thursday August 5th.  Performing will be hardcore heroes Lebenden Toten, the noisy assault of Walls and the return of Social Graces.  The show will start at 7PM sharp and has a $5 cover.  All ages are welcomed to this event, which is a benefit for KBOO.

We'll be releasing a compliation tape of live bands who have played on Life During Wartime over the years, including No Hope for the Kids, La Urss, Tragedy, The Triggers, The Observers, Fucked Up, Criminal Damage, Vivid Sekt, Gorilla Angreb, The Chemicals, Lebenden Toten, Lords of Light, The Minds, Nix, Nerveskade, The Exploding Hearts, Autistic Youth, and more. The tape will also be a benefit for KBOO.

We'd like to thank all those who've listened, sent us records, played on the show, and shared their appreciation with us throughout the years. It's been really fun. If you're interested, we're on the air every Wednesday night from 11pm - 1 am... bummin out the hippies since 1995! -Erin Yanke