Locus Focus



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Air date: 
Wed, 06/03/2009 - 8:00am to 9:00am
What are the national and international causes of the current economic meltdown and how it can be fi

Once again Locus Focus host Barbara Bernstein takes on the economic meltdown and today she has help navigating this maelstrom from Dan Leahy, professor of Labor Studies at the Evergreen State College.

Dan sorts through the financial mumbo jumbo and hocus pocus that has shaken the world's economy for the past year and explores local initiatives that may help put the economy together, one community at a time.

We're also joined by Kari Koch with the Rural Organizing Project. Kari tells us about ROP's current organizing initiative: creating Living Room Conversations on the Economic Collapse & Bringing our Money Home.

ROP is a statewide organization of locally-based groups that work to create communities accountable to a standard of human dignity: the belief in the equal worth of all people, the need for equal access to justice, and the right to self-determination. Starting in 1992, ROP's challenges to the anti-democratic right have earned ROP a national reputation for being an effective grassroots organization that takes on the hard issues. Today, ROP works with 65 member groups to organize on issues that impact human dignity and to advance inclusive democracy.

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