'Cleaning Up My Clutter'



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Air date: 
Thu, 06/02/2016 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
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working to de-clutter emotional baggage

When we think of clutter, we think of the physical form: the stacks of papers, lots of boxes, unopened mail. Our physical clutter is the outward manifestation of our psychological and emotional state. Clutter robs us of clarity. It consumes our time and drains our energy. All of which can block the progress of our life plan.

Join us on EarToTheStreets with Coach RJ for First Thursday Conversations starting at 7pm. Stay tuned to hear from author Sharon Blake for the book The Thought Detox. Sharon will also be presenting in Portland on June 15th at the Alma Education & Movement Space to speak on 'mental health'.

Stay tuned to ETTS on KBOO from 8-10pm for music!

Visit: www.mylifechronicles.org 

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