Our Mission is:
To bring you the voices of Dine'tah—to create a shared vision for the world we want to live in.
And inform and inspire YOU into action.
“You are the change you've been waiting for”.
We will create a forum where we can learn together, define our priorities, and decide how best to use our communal resources. We include the voices of the grassroots, elders, women, and youth.
We want to raise the consciousness of the youth and inspire them to come home to the land with their ideas to shape the future of their community.
We share alternatives, to address the housing and water crises, and create jobs with Dine'-run green industries—solar and wind energy, straw-bale and earthship housing, and hemp cultivation. We invite native and non-native experts to share current findings and educate the nation about options.
We engage Dine' dialogue about the issues and candidates in the upcoming Navajo Nation Election in November. To build consensus and make the leaders aware and accountable. A forum to discuss gaming and the GMO presence at NAPI, Navajo Agricultural Products Industry.
To discuss ways to address the unmet needs of those who live in remote areas without basic services, women and children who experience intimate violence, and those in treatment. To preserve and teach the Dine' language in early childhood.
We want to dream with you and put our dreams into action.