Peltier Justice Ride



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KBOO volunteer Christopher Francisco is traveling and providing KBOO updated news and broadcasts with the Peltier Justice Ride 2016, a group riding from Oregon to Washington, DC, July 12-24, 2016.  

The ride is dedicated to creating awareness of the injustice Leonard Peltier has endured and to create support for his clemency.  Christoper Francisco is the producer of the podcast Human Beings with 5 Fingers, focused on what is going on in Dine’ tah (People’s Land/Navajo Reservation).   

The ride left from Banks, Oregon and is traveling all the way to Washington, DC.   Christopher is collaborating with fellow KBOO volunteer and Board Member Delphine Criscenzo, be back in Portland to help produce a daily 10 minute segment to update the KBOO listeners about the progress of the ride, the connections that are made on the way, and the spirit of the people as they ride to Washington DC with a message for President Obama to free Leonard Peltier.  

KBOO is working to keep the Portland area, Columbia Gorge and Willamette Valley communities informed of the daily progress of the ride.  Thank you to Christopher, Delphine and the freedom riders for inviting KBOO to be involved in this important and historical event!

More information on the ride can be found at

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BooTwo - second stream
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