This program includes a Movie Mole review of "Iron Man," a commentary on Racism in the Presidential campaign, a first-person report on May Day in Havana, music and the history of the Buena Vista Social Club, and a discussion of the crisis in food prices. Clayton Morgareidge hosts. Hear the whole show by clicking on the arrow above, or go to individual pieces by clicking on their links below:1. Bill Resnick talks with Food First's director Eric Holt-Gimenez about food prices: causes and cures.2. The Movie Moles melt down "Iron Man."3. Clayton Morgareidge reflects on how to respond the racism provoked by the Presidential campaign.4. Luz María Gordillo describes what it was like to be in Havana on May 1. 5. History and Politics of the Buena Vista Social Club, told by Bill Resnick.