02/02/17 Letters to Trump: Losing white privilege = equality for all



Published date: 
Thursday, February 2, 2017 - 2:30am


Resident Trump:

This just keeps getting worse – but I have a feeling it’s going to get much, much worse before it gets better. Firing the Acting Attorney General two nights ago in an extremely political letter saying she was “soft on immigration” – when it was her job to uphold the law, not to be partisan on issues (that’s your job, not hers)…. Very dangerous move for what is left of ‘democracy’. When she says that the immigration ban may not be lawful, maybe you should look at her review of the order – rather than simply dismiss her out of hand.

And now you selected a Supreme Court justice who seems to have lost the notion of a separation between church and state – rather than bring back the qualified judge that Obama appointed but the Republican Congress refused for over a year to seat.

Your followers are emboldened in their expressions of hate.

A day after your Muslim ban (don’t say that’s not what it is, we know better!) a white supremacist who adored and supported you shot up a mosque in Quebec filled with men, women and children who were on their knees, praying when they were killed.

And everywhere hate crimes are increased. A mosque in Dallas was burned, others have been vandalized. White male aggression against women and people of color is everywhere – of course you and your ilk are unaware, oblivious, because you are perpetrators of this kind of misogyny and hate on a daily basis.

What sickens me is the white men who claim, “Hey you aren’t so committed to ‘diversity’ since you are saying I’m not welcome because of my beliefs!” No dude, there is a huge difference between challenging people for the hate they espouse and hating people because of who they are. Every white man who whines about liberals not being diverse because he himself doesn’t feel welcomed with open arms needs to ask himself seriously: Do you judge people because of who they are – ie. Black, Latino, Arab, Muslim, trans, female, gay, lesbian, immigrant? If so, if you ever find yourself judging someone or stereotyping someone because of who they are – well then that is the problem. And it is YOUR problem. Not theirs.

I saw a bumper sticker today that epitomized this for me: “When you are accustomed to privilege, equality can feel like oppression”.

And we ARE going to have equality. No con-artist Vegas casino billionaire President and his incompetent, elitist, hate-filled cronies can stop us.

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