Insectuality: The Sequel



Authored by: 
Some katydids are the size of russet potatoes
Published date: 
Sunday, September 23, 2018 - 8:35am
Produced for (Program name): 
New long form Panamanian soundscapes Sept 29, 12-3 AM


Bill McQuay is guest spotting an entire Threshold Shift long-form episode bringing us brand new radio stories focusing on the all-women research team from Dartmouth College, Laurel Symes and Hannah ter Hofstede. We'll be going deep into the rain forests of Barro Colorado with them to hear how they gather their recordings, conduct their research, and of course we'll have uninterrupted hours of the recordings themselves. If you were lucky to be in the planetarium at OMSI After Dark with us in August, or to have caught the original stereo ultrasonics last September, be prepared for a new level of immersion. The mix is binaural, which means headphone listening will open up the whole stereo field for your sensory immersion. If you don't have headphones, don't'll still be able to hear it in crystal clear, high resolution from your usual listening system. 

For more information, please go to the episode page.

To join us at our upcoming immersive audio/KBOO at 50 OMSI extravaganza, please join us at Hear and There:  Audio Postcards from Earth. Tickets are $17 for KBOO and OMSI members.