Students, teachers, counselors and parents are told that to get a good job they must obtain a college degree. Yet, many students graduate from college with enormous debt and limited job prospects. There is an alternative, and one that not many people have heard about. On today's show, Suzanne LaGrande talks to Michael Burch, Sal Castañeda Jr. and Nate Waas Shull about vocational education and apprenticeship opportuntities for careers in the trades
Community Relations Representative for NW Carpenters, Michael Burch educates students, counselors, and parents about apprenticeship programs in the trades. For more about apprenticehips and training opportunities in Oregon visit: pnci.org
As an advisor for Portland Community College's Apprenticeship, Trades, and WeldingDepartment, Swan Island Trades Center, Sal Castañeda Jr introduces highschool students, and organizations to the trades as a careerpath through apparenticeship programs. For more information visit: https://www.pcc.edu/about/locations/swan-island/
As Vicepresident of Partnerships at Alll Hands Raised, Nate Waas Shull brings together practitioners and leaders from education, business, government and non-profits to improve the success of Multnomah County youth. All Hands Raised is particularly concernedwith eliminating educational and commensurate economic disparities associated with race,ethnicity, and gender. For more information visit: http://allhandsraised.org/